
The problem of sustainable development in the rapid economic growth -- a difficult problem facing China's economic development

Date: 2024-01-31    Source: 

Qiao Zhen, School of Economics

Guan Lixin, Harbin University of Commerce 


Abstract: There are both contradictions and coordination between economic growth and resources, environment and ecology, and the key is how to find a mechanism to make their harmonized side become a reality. The core of this new mechanism is to restructure the economy, focusing on the transformation of energy, materials and food. For the tension between the rapid economic growth and resources, environment and ecology, our choice must also focus on the adjustment of economic structure, so as to do the following: adjust the economic growth indicator, re-understand the economic growth rate; Accelerate technological progress and give priority to the development of the information industry; We will establish a system for technological innovation and improve the system for institutional innovation.


Read the article here:       133经济高速增长中的可持续发展问题——中国经济发展面对的一个难题_乔榛.pdf