
Take the new sustainable development of urbanization road

Date: 2024-02-01    Source: 

Abstract: Since the Industrial Revolution, urbanization has become a locomotive to promote regional economic growth and an irresistible world trend. The reform and opening up have led to rapid urban development in China, and the rate of urbanization is twice that of the world during the same period. The future is a period of strategic opportunities for China's social and economic development. Vigorously promoting China's urbanization is not only a historical task to build a well-off society in an all-round way and realize modernization, but also a major strategic measure to effectively remove the constraints "bottleneck" of China's economy and society and ensure the rapid, sustained and coordinated development of China's economy and society. In this context, the healthy development of urbanization is related to the overall economic and social long-term plan of China. Therefore, from the strategic point of view, this paper reviews and reflects on the historical process of urbanization development in China and the world, and puts forward that China's urbanization should learn from the historical lessons of world urbanization and calmly take the new sustainable development of urbanization road.


Read the article here:   134走新型的可持续发展的城市化道路_张静.pdf