
Government performance evaluation based on Analytic Hierarchy Process... Construction of standard system -- taking Liaoning Province as an example

Date: 2024-02-04    Source: 

Tang Yi, Li Ming, Zhang Xinwei, Xing Shigang, School of Life Sciences

Abstract: Performance evaluation is an important basis to judge the efficiency of government operation and the appointment of officials. The evaluation method with GDP as the core has gradually changed. Liaoning, as the old industrial base in northeast China, has deteriorated its ecological environment and depleted its resources rapidly in recent years. How to coordinate the development of economy, society, culture and ecology in the evaluation of government performance and promote the construction of ecological civilization and sustainable development is an urgent problem to be solved. This study selected 17 indicators from the aspects of economic construction, cultural construction, social construction and ecological civilization construction to evaluate the municipal government performance in Liaoning Province. Dalian, Benxi and Shenyang ranked the top three in government performance evaluation. The evaluation results of this index system are different from the evaluation results that take economic construction as the core, and Huludao city has the biggest change in rank. This study uses the subjective and objective methods to evaluate government performance. Compared with the traditional GDP-led performance evaluation, the index system of this study includes a wider range of indicators. This study can be improved in terms of indicator diversity and progress. Finally, this study proposes that regional characteristics and development orientation should be considered in government performance evaluation.


Read the article here:       81基于层次分析法的政府政绩评...标体系构建——以辽宁省为例_唐毅.pdf