
Coordination degree analysis of sustainable development of China's iron and steel industry based on factor analysis

Date: 2024-02-09    Source: 

Huang Jizhong, School of Economics

Wang Xiaoyu, CPC Dandong Municipal Committee Party School


Abstract: This paper collects the data of resources, environment, economic performance and technological innovation of China's iron and steel industry ‚ and obtains the comprehensive development evaluation value of the three systems through factor analysis. On this basis ‚, a calculation model of sustainable development coordination degree ‚ is established, and the coordinated development degree of three systems in China's iron and steel industry is evaluated. It is found that ‚ since 2000 ‚ resources, environment and economic performance of China's iron and steel industry have basically been able to coordinate development ‚, while there are obvious deficiencies in technological innovation ‚, which has seriously affected the coordinated development of the other two systems." 


Read the article here:       110基于因子分析法的中国钢铁产业可持续发展协调度分析_黄继忠.pdf