
Circular Economy _ The inevitable choice to take the road of sustainable development

Date: 2024-02-13    Source: 

Wan Zhihua, School of Economics

Hou Shujia, CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee Party School


Abstract: Cherish the limited resources provided by nature! Protect the ecological environment! Is a basic condition for sustainable development! It is also a basic requirement for human behavior. In recent years! The rapid growth of our economy is largely based on excessive consumption of resources. Through the consumption of resources, serious waste, ecological environment deterioration behind the phenomenon! What we see is the challenge to the previous development concept and development model "" To develop circular economy is our strategic choice to save resources and solve the contradiction of resources and environment! It is an important measure to achieve the win-win goal of economic development and environmental protection. Vigorously develop the circular economy! To correctly understand and deal with the relationship between resources environment and economic development! We will raise awareness of developing a circular economy.


Read the article here:           131循环经济_走可持续发展之路的必然选择_侯述佳.pdf