A Study on the Provincial Government's Overall Planning of Higher Education: Basic Principles, Value Orientation and Main Tasks

Date: 2024-01-05    Source: 

Abstract: To strengthen the provincial government's overall planning of higher education constitutes the strategic deployment of the state to promote the reform of higher education, the basic content of improving the reform of higher education management system, and the important path to promote the modernization of higher education governance in China.Thus, it is a comprehensively systematic project to strengthen the provincial government's higher education overall planning, which involves a variety of relations, multiple values and multiple tasks, and should be selected and adhered to in the specific practice process. With this in mind, in the process of strengthening the provincial government's overall planning of higher education, we should do as follows: firstly, it is recommended to persist the basic principles of overall planning according to law, adjusting measures to local conditions and cooperate with each other, secondly, it is advised to follow the basic value orientation of people-oriented, fair and just, modernization and so on; thirdly, it is suggested to be committed to the realization of the connotation development of provincial higher education, the promotion of the modernization of provincial higher education governance and the promotion of the coordinated development of higher education and economy and society Task.


Read the article here:   论省级政府高等教育统筹_基本原则、价值取向与主要任务_林杰.pdf