Analysis of the gap in education expenditure between regions in China -- a case study of Jilin and Shanghai

Date: 2024-01-05    Source: 

Abstract: Educational equity is the inherent requirement of an equal society, which comes down to the financial realm is to achieve the equal distribution of resources between regions, urban and rural areas. At present, there are great differences in the level of economic development between regions in China, so there are significant differences in the investment in education in various places. By calculating the variation coefficient and Gini coefficient of education expenditure for each province, and comparing the same indicators in the United States, this paper illustrates that the educational equity among our regions is not optimistic. Jilin Province is a central province, the supply of educational resources is not sufficient. Through the comparison between Jilin and Shanghai in terms of education expenditure per student, financial investment in education, education expenditure growth and education investment structure, the level and the level of education investment in Shanghai are much higher than that in Jilin. From the reason analysis, the regional agglomeration and dispersion effect of education has expanded the uneven distribution of educational resources, and the central government has not played a good role in regional regulation. We should cultivate our own central cities in underdeveloped areas, break the regional monopoly of education, and focus on the use of horizontal transfers to allocate the disparities in regional education funding.


Read the article here:   我国地区间教育经费差距分析——以吉林和上海的对比为例_赵双剑.pdf