
A Study on the Differences in the Allocation of Higher Education Resources in China from the Perspective of Educational Equity

Date: 2024-01-10    Source: 

Abstract: Educational equity is an important basis for social equity and also an important way to ensure social equity. Since the reform and opening up, China's higher education has been developing rapidly. After several times of college enrollment expansion, the former elite education mode has been gradually changed and the popular education mode has been gradually overextended. However, in the face of the unlimited increase of social demand for educational resources, there is an urgent need for higher quality educational resources to meet their own and social development. However, in socialist China in the primary stage of socialism, educational resources are limited. How to allocate the limited educational resources more rationally will involve educational equity, educational modernization and even the great rejuvenation of the nation. This topic focuses on the face, therefore, quality and efficient resource is limited and the contradiction between social demand is infinite, based on the public goods theory and the theory of education fairness in China were described in the university human resources, material resources, financial resources allocation on the basis of the status quo, taking gini coefficient and tal index to explore the differences between the provinces.

Through the model of each province of human resources, financial resources and material resources between trends described and component decomposition, found that each provincial education resources between the degree of inequality are growing trends, and different human resources, financial resources and material resources to cause a provincial difference contribution degree of each are not identical. In human resources, full-time teachers are the main factor leading to inter-provincial differences.

Component decomposition results and analysis on change trend, the article focuses on the cause of higher education resources, provincial differences of the important factors in target, put forward the optimizing countermeasures, which advocates "fundamental fairness" of higher education resource allocation policy, implement the strategy of regional higher education characteristics, further strengthen exchanges and cooperation areas of eastern and western higher education in the western development of higher education and appropriate tilt, etc., and thus truly effective mitigation in the distribution of the difference between provincial higher education resources, promote the education fair and realize social justice.


Read the article here:   教育公平视角下我国普通高等教育资源配置省际差异研究_张诗婕.pdf