
Study on the Implementation of Quality and Balanced Development Policy of Compulsory Education in Kangping County, Shenyang

Date: 2024-01-17    Source: 


Compulsory education is a key link in promoting the development of education. The state also attaches great importance to the reform of compulsory education. The Outline of the National Plan for Medium - and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020) clearly states that the balanced development of compulsory education should be realized. In the report to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it was also proposed to further improve the quality of education on the basis of achieving equality in education. At present, promoting the balanced development of high-quality compulsory education has become the main task. In this process, taking county area as the basic unit of education reform is more conducive to realizing the goal of balanced development of high-quality compulsory education. In 2015, Kangping County took the lead in passing the acceptance of the basic balance of national compulsory education, and the balanced development of high-quality compulsory education has become the main task at this stage. However, due to the relatively backward level of economic development and the large number of agricultural population, there is still a big gap between Kangping County and other areas in the quality and balanced development of compulsory education, and the implementation of the policy has not reached the expected goal. Therefore, this paper takes Kangping County as the main research object, puts forward feasible suggestions and countermeasures for the implementation of compulsory education policy in county area, and also provides reference for other areas to improve the education level. Guided by Smith's policy implementation process model and based on questionnaire survey, interview and relevant data, this paper understands the implementation status of the policy of promoting the quality and balanced development of compulsory education in Kangping County, Shenyang, and analyzes it from the four aspects of the policy itself, target groups, implementing agencies and policy environment. It is found that Kangping County is faced with four problems in the implementation of the balanced development policy of compulsory education: insufficient education funds, unbalanced allocation of high-quality resources, large gap between urban and rural school conditions, and deviation in policy implementation. The reasons mainly include the imperfect policy system of balanced development of compulsory education, the self-interest of target groups affecting the effect of policy implementation, the policy implementation deviation caused by the poor policy implementation mechanism, and the adverse environment of policy implementation. To solve above problems and reasons, put forward the establishing and perfecting the balanced development of the compulsory education quality policy system, guide the behavior of the target groups to participate in policy implementation, perfect compulsory education quality policy implementation mechanism, optimization of the balanced development of compulsory education balanced development of the quality policy execution environment four aspects countermeasures, reduce policy implementation deviation, promote balanced development of the compulsory education of high quality level.


Read the article here:   沈阳市康平县义务教育优质均衡发展政策执行问题研究_杨雪.pdf