
Equality in Common Sense — An Explanation of Schutz’s Phenomenological Concept of Equality

Date: 2024-01-22    Source: 

Abstract: Equality is one of the common basic values of human beings, but since ancient times there have been great differences in the understanding and interpretation of equality. If we want to practice equality in reality, we need to clarify many problems concerning equality in theory. Schutz is a famous phenomenologist and the founder of phenomenological sociology. From the perspective of social philosophy, he believes that to elaborate a tenable theory of equality, it needs to be based on the understanding of equality in the sense of common sense. From the point of departure of thinking about equality, the basis of defining the scope of equality, the way to determine the range and limits of equality, and the distinction between equality and equality of opportunities, he studied the issue of equality on the basis of common sense. Schutz's phenomenological view of equality not only puts forward some basic theoretical problems that cannot be ignored in the study of equality, so that our understanding of equality is further clarified, but also has enlightening significance for our contemporary interpretation and practical practice of equality.


Read the full article here:   常识意义上的平等阿尔弗雷德·许茨的现象学平等观阐释.pdf