
Female Writers' Consciousness and the Poetics of Gender's Construction in the 20th Century

Date: 2024-01-26    Source: 

Abstract: "Life" is the main theme of literature, because of its critical ultimate charm and eternity, which cannot be interpreted and interpreted in many ways. "Life consciousness" is the attitude and expression towards life, which reflects how people settle down in life and regulate the order of people's lives. It can be understood as a symbolic system of life composed of symbols at various levels of spiritual concepts, and all kinds of references to life can be related to it. "Gender poetics" is one of the poetic theories, which is based on the harmony of gender. In the context of poetics, it explores the complexity of gender roles, the intersection and contradiction between gender roles and identities forged by race, gender, class, era, and economic factors, and the cultural expressions that guide them. If "gender harmony" is the ideal of gender relations in culture, then "gender poetics" is the ideal of gender relations in aesthetics, which is the manifestation of literature/culture's return to the ontology of human life, to the standard of literature and criticism. The construction of gender poetics emphasizes the organic wholeness of life: the symbiosis and harmonious coexistence of the two sexes. The development from "feminine" to "gender" embodies the transcendental signification of gender, which is both aesthetic and cultural. "The construction of life consciousness and gender poetics" is one of the methods to cut into literature and the world, and facing the future, the construction of gender poetics based on the harmonious consciousness of life should also become the direction of women's writing and research. 1. Purpose of the study Gender poetics is one of the constructions of aesthetic theory, which completes the construction of theories in a lifelike and poetic way, and provides scientific possibilities and beautiful ideas in terms of the fit between tradition and modernity and the future direction. If women's studies from the mid-80s to the present have completed the awakening of women's consciousness from women's ignorance to women's consciousness, and the confusion between the dilemma of male power center and feminism, then our current research is to complete the transcendence of the overall gender consciousness of human beings to the consciousness of a single gender, to correct the extreme and deviant emotions and methods in the process of women's research, to get rid of the barriers of the study of inherent discourse patterns, and to move towards the poetic track of constructing gender harmony and even social harmony. The significance of women's discourse is that they provide the living conditions of Chinese women, which is the real is also distorted: how they reposition the established and a priori traditional destiny in the process of acquiring social roles, how they break and disrupt the original gender relations and social order, and how they try to find a new picture of the relationship between men and women in the current period when the sexes are moving from confrontation to peace—the poetic framework of constructing gender in the process of dismantling, and at the same time constructing a new humanist spirit. 2. Research Methods Based on the realistic and empirical sense of history, this paper adheres to the principles of originality, independence, and nationality, and the existential stance of the organic and holistic gender harmony theory. The research carried out in this paper is diachronic and synchronic, and the analysis and writing are based on the theoretical basis rather than the temporal spatial framework, from the macro context analysis to the micro text close reading. The combination of ideological reflection and art criticism reaches a more authentic connotation of the cultural field. For women writers, combining the two can better understand the truth in the creator's heart. The method of social-historical criticism establishes the tradition of women's writing, shows the true face of the text, rejects and rejects the framework and misreading of women's writing by the established system of male discourse, and returns to the mental process and original intention of the female writer herself. Textual analysis, psychoanalysis, historical research, and other eclectic open studies not only understand literature as a literary text for creation and criticism, but also see it as a social complex that includes various other factors, a constantly changing social space in which various factors interact. 3. Results and Conclusions The observation of the form and will of life is undoubtedly the eternal and highest theme of literature. It is the yearning and ultimate advocacy of this paper to construct gender poetics based on life consciousness, to return literature to its own aesthetic level of purifying the spirit and cultivating the soul, and to make women's literature move towards a healthy and harmonious track. Chapter 4 explains the life discourse and poetic trend of female writers from a cultural perspective. The article discusses the influence of Christian culture, Zen culture, and Muslim culture on modern women's poetics of survival from the aspects of religious spiritual illumination and spiritual clarity. From a philosophical perspective, the life consciousness of modern women has been deeply influenced by the value and meaning of life in Confucianism and the simplicity and freedom of Taoism, forming the rich multicultural connotation of modern life poetics (the unity of nature and man and the unity of man and nature). Character fate/confrontation between body and soul and character crisis/coexistence of reality and reality and character performance). Talking about the direction of gender poetics, the article points out many issues on the way forward - such as personal will/social group, perceptual natural life/rational social life, object integrity/literary dissemination, etc. - that still need to be solved Clarify and resolve. The conclusion points out that gender poetics based on life consciousness emphasizes the harmonious symbiosis of the sexes, emphasizing that although modern female writers have not yet formed an independent and systematic outlook on life, they have paid attention to women's mental pain and survival difficulties while paying attention to them. A clear understanding of how to "fly gracefully" during transitional times. Constructing gender poetics based on the consciousness of life, adhering to the harmonious gender and aesthetic views in the balance of destruction and establishment, and making men and women jointly move towards a harmonious picture of human beings are the current efforts and poetic ideals of women.


Read the full article here:   二十世纪女作家生命意识与性别诗学的建构_刘巍.pdf