
A Comparison of Feminism in the Works of Mo Yan and Faulkner: A Case Study of “Red Sorghum” and “The Sound and the Fury”

Date: 2024-01-30    Source: 

Abstract: From the perspective of feminism, this paper takes The Sound and the Fury by Faulkner and The Red Sorghum Family by Mo Yan as examples, and highly praises the bravery and wisdom of women in the patriarchal period by comparing the female images in the works of two literary writers. The characters in these two works represent the awakening of Western and eastern women respectively. I hope that we can learn more about feminism, the female situation and the difficulties they face by studying the cases. What is more important is to help women in modern society understand themselves more deeply, improve their independence and confidence, and care more about their mental health.


Read the full article here:   莫言和福克纳作品中的女性主义比较以《红高粱》和《喧哗与骚动》为例.pdf