
The Possibility of Female Literature Heterotopia Construction — Taking "Tanmei Literature" as an Example

Date: 2024-02-01    Source: 

Abstract: Danmei literature is a network literature form with strong female consciousness. Taking foucault's heterotopia theory as the analytical framework, the author takes the representative "tanmei literature" as the research object. This paper explores the gender political meaning behind the "tan-mei literature," explores how female writers construct the "heterotopia space" with female consciousness by rewriting masculinity, and makes the "tan-mei literature" a possible way to resist male discourse hegemony. Through the analysis of the text of "tan-mei literature," the author believes that "tan-mei literature" is one of the typical forms of network literature. Although the text is full of women's self-consciousness, but this new female consciousness to become a mature, can impact the mainstream male consciousness of the possibility is far less than imagination, for the existing problems should be related to cultural scholars and network supervision department attention and vigilance.


Read the full article here:   女性文学异托邦建构的可能性——以“耽美文学”为例_李昊.pdf