
Gender Criticism of Movies & TV Culture

Date: 2024-02-05    Source: 

Abstract: There is a very deep connection between film and television culture and gender, "gender criticism" is a direct exposure to the unequal reality of film and television culture communication. It is the direct injection of advanced social gender cultural consciousness into the mainstream consciousness, the construction of a harmonious film and television cultural atmosphere between the sexes, and an important way of cultural research. Since the new era, with the influence of "gender criticism," China's film and television culture research has created a new aesthetic perspective, whether in the film communication, or in the film theory, have made new gains. "Gender Criticism" makes the cross-disciplinary and comprehensive study of film and television culture possible, and reveals a new way for the development of contemporary film and television culture research. The language of film and television culture defines gender, the traditional gender discourse confirms that "men are superior to women," and the historical regulation covers women's right to speak. In the current field of film and television culture communication, male discourse still occupies a major position, and the right to speak of both sexes is still in a state of inequality. The film and television culture is full of "gender stereotypes," which are manifested as: the implementation of "agenda setting" function and the marginalization of women; The spread of cultural stereotypes and the lack of female subject value; The deviation between male authority norm and female aesthetic orientation; The promotion of masculinity and the weakening of women's sense of life. Film and television text is a narrative text, film and television narration is a cultural construction of human beings. To study the gender narrative mode of film and television culture, its means is to classify and summarize the specific narrative mode of a large number of narrative texts. Abstract a number of "narrative models," and then in the analysis and discussion of the model to clarify the film culture and gender relations between the internal relations between the construction; Then, I pay close attention to the relationship between film and television culture and ideology, viewpoint utilization, power discourse, rhetoric strategy, narrative manipulation and so on, trying to reveal how film and television culture expresses gender and constructs gender culture. The narrative mode with male as the main body mainly includes: myth narrative ("mother paradigm" and "phallus hero"); Love narratives ("The Thrill of the Gaze" and "Salvation of Love"); Ethical Narrative (Paternal Authority and the Construction of Family Order). The narrative mode with women as the main body mainly includes: desire narrative (the expression of women's self-consciousness); Emotional narrative (the restoration of the female mind world). In film and television culture, from the perspective of "voice expression," the main content of film and television communication in the patriarchal society is still the mainstream values of the patriarchal society, and the mainstream discourse has always been dominated by the voice of men, resulting in the historical state of women as the second voice. With the development of feminist movement and feminist thought since 1970s, the real "women's own voice" has emerged in history. The image transformation of female discourse in film and television culture mainly shows as follows: the appeal of "living one's own life"; Salvation of "knowledge" and "art"; The bias between "New Man of Time" and "Half the Sky"; The "Flower and Flower United" self-help. The historical evolution of film and television culture has left countless screen images for people. A large number of studies show that: on the one hand, when portraying male and female images, film and television culture first reflects and maintains the traditional gender concept; On the other hand, the portrayal of gender images in film and television culture highlights the inequality of traditional gender roles and gender power. The female "object" image created by the male aesthetic stereotype mainly includes two image systems: "white rose" and "red rose." The female "subject" image under the female aesthetic reconstruction mainly includes the image representation of "mute Ada," "Thelma and Louise," "Mrs. Davello." In the contemporary film and television culture, women have once again become the victims of "pornography" and "violence," and become the "second sex" under the shadow of "pornography" and "violence." The root of "gender violence" in film and television culture is still due to the power ruling pattern in the field of gender relations.


Read the full article here:   影视文化的性别批评_李东.pdf