
Philosophical Life Consciousness and Modern Women's Role Orientation: the Writing Changes of Destiny, Crisis and Harmony

Date: 2024-02-05    Source: 

Abstract: The aesthetic form of female literary criticism in the early 21st century can be glimpsed by examining the practice of female literary criticism after more than 20 years, summarizing the value orientation of female literary criticism, the spiritual construction of the subject of criticism, the aesthetic choice of the object of criticism, and the theoretical resources supported by the construction of the discipline system. In the process of reflection and adjustment, female literary criticism tries to overcome the extreme and antagonistic emotions, tries to go beyond the single and narrow gender standpoint and perspective, and begins to build a rational and tolerant "gender poetics".


Read the full article here:   哲学生命意识与现代女性的角...宿命、危机与和谐的书写流变_刘巍.pdf