
The Contemporary Significance of Beauvoir's Existentialist Feminist Theory

Date: 2024-02-06    Source: 

Abstract: Existentialist feminism is represented by Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex, which explores the situation and suffering of women in gender relations and all aspects of social life, mainly discussing the biological, psychological and social origins of gender differences, as well as the content of gender inequality. In theory, de Beauvoir is deeply influenced by Hegel, Heidegger and Sartre, and has distinct existentialism color. Beauvoir's existentialist feminist theory is of great significance to contemporary literary criticism and social progress. This paper studies Beauvoir's thought from the main content, literary significance, ethical significance and social significance. The first chapter mainly expounds the main contents of Beauvoir's existentialist feminist theory, including the concept of "the other," the theory of existentialist ethics, and discusses the situation and outlet of women. The second chapter discusses the contemporary literary significance of Beauvoir's theory. It includes the significance of The Second Sex in the history of feminist literary criticism, its contribution to the study of female images, and its influence and change on the main contents of feminist criticism. The third chapter mainly discusses the ethical significance of the theory. It mainly includes the influence on Chinese and Western feminist ethics, and the significance of the formation of the correct ethical values centered on the equality of men and women. The last chapter mainly discusses the contemporary social significance of the theory, including the influence on domestic and foreign feminist movements and women's status, the promotion of education reform and the reconstruction of social relations. The entire article focuses on the comprehensive analysis of history, the contradiction analysis, and the cause and effect analysis. It aims to highlight Beauvoir's views and theories as a representative figure of feminism, and their profound influence and great contribution to the feminist movement and feminist theory in the future and at present.


Read the full article here:   波伏娃存在主义女性主义理论的当代意义_赵英琦.pdf