
Institution Analysis on Justice Issues of Contemporary Chinese Social Transition Period

Date: 2024-02-09    Source: 

Huang Juan, School of Marxism

Abstract: At present, Chinese society is undergoing a large-scale, holistic, complex social change, previously balanced social structure is broken, all kinds of conflicts of interest growing, diverse and complicated interest groups emerging. During the interest of re-adjust, re-distribution of social resources, many social injustices exposed, causing a lot of social contradictions and conflicts, seriously destroy social vitality, restricting the development and progress of the whole society. How to achieve social justice in order to protect the normal operation of society, has become a problem to be solved. Institutions as a kind of human existence, through guiding and regulating human behavior, can maintain the healthy functioning of society, thus promoting the development of social progress. In this sense, the realization of justice must be built on the basis of the institution, namely the institutionalization of justice, we must ensure that the system remain impartial, only in this way, we can avoid justice only become a dream. From this point, This article is based on the reality of China's contemporary social transformation drastic changes, using the Marxist materialism and institution analysis approach, explain the social injustice from the sight of institution, and strive to explore a solution to the path to achieve social justice.

      This article mainly explain contemporary Chinese society in transition from the institutional dimension, the Paper is organized as follows: First, the basic theory of justice and institution. This section analyzes the meaning of justice, revealing the basic principles of justice and basic types. At the same time, defining the meaning and function of institution, discusses the dialectical relationship between justice and the institution. Second, contemporary China's social transformation and institutions change. Combined with social transformation and institutional change meaning, analyze the uniqueness of China's social transformation and complexity of change of institution, based on the dialectical relationship between social transformation and institutional change, pointed out that the substance of China's social transformation is a complex institutions change. Third, contemporary Chinese society justice issues are outstanding. based on analyzing main characteristics of the sort of social transformation, Describes the major IV achievements China has made since the reform and opening up in the fundamental right ,a fair chance of justice, procedural fairness and outcome fairness, etc. While affirming the achievements, objectively describes some of the injustices existed since the reform and opening up in the political, economic, cultural and educational fields. Fourth, institution dilemma of justice in contemporary Chinese social society transition. This section is mainly rooted in the institution itself, rather than wandering outside the institution, thorough analyze of the issue of China's social transition justice causes. The dilemma of institution public focuses on the conflict between interest based government and public norms, noting if handled improperly can lead to social injustice; due to the limited rational system of the body, the limited nature of the system itself, making the system is not perfect, its flaws will lead to social injustice; due to overly respected institution, fully play by the rules, resulting in disconnection means and ends, resulting in injustice in practice. Five, the conditions and criteria of contemporary social transformation justice system in China. Pointed out that the scientific assumption of human nature, in line with social and material conditions of production, in line with the development needs of the people are important to achieve justice system conditions. The justice system criterion:productivity standards, free and comprehensive development standards, historic and universal standards. These three criteria are both independent and mutual penetration; together constitute the social transformation of the system of impartial judgment standard system. Six , institution construct and justice of contemporary Chinese social transformation. Mainly from the ideal and factual two levels demonstrate how to build the system to achieve justice. From the ideal level, analyze focusing from a macro perspective and the conceptual level; For the purposes of the Real level, from the microscopic field of specific policy, points out the specific path to achieve justice.

      In short, the construction of China just society is a long complex systems engineering. With the acceleration of the process of social transformation , especially the collision of various ideological and cultural values ,we need to constantly re-examine and design systems to coordinate conflicts, suppress evil and promote good. Of course, the reform does not necessarily bring immediate significant social justice, but only reform itself can inspire people to a better vision of social justice faith and hope, and promote V people to think about issues of justice, and to promote social justice solutions to achieve social progress.


Read the full article here:   当代中国社会转型期公正问题的制度解析.pdf