
Research of Local Government Procurement of Public Law

Date: 2024-02-09    Source: 

Zhang Shiwen, Law School

Abstract: The purchase of public legal services by local governments is a new concept, new idea and new model for local governments to provide services to the public.

The innovative public-private cooperation model has strongly promoted the marketization development of public legal services and made the administrative management model change. Local government purchase of public law services to the public is mainly refers to the selection of local government, public bidding forms, such as the previously undertaken by local government entrusted to some of the service has the ability to qualified social organizations or individuals. Only can control the quality of the public legal services provided to the public, and improve the efficiency of the use of fiscal expenditure, to satisfy the diversification of the social public demand for legal service, personalized needs. The government's purchase of public legal services is a milestone in the transformation of the government into a service-oriented government, giving full play to the synergistic role of the government and the market. Our government is committed to transforming government functions and providing better public services by continuously strengthening exchanges and cooperation with social organizations. At present, China's local governments to buy public law service system is still in the preliminary stage to try, there is a local government purchase category fuzzy, public legal service evaluation mechanism is not sound, related legal system fail to solve the problem.

Local government purchase public legal service to the implementation of this system, is not only conform to the rule of law, the important measures for the construction country under the rule of law, but also to foster perfect public legal service market and a solid step. In pilot cities in the process of implementation of this system, has achieved good results, such as Shenyang, trying to push the process of local government purchase of public law, increasing the coverage of the franco-prussian, takes the most basic public legal services to the community (village) in Shenyang, the government in fiscal spending appropriate subsidies, make Shenyang's urban and rural residents can enjoy the basic legal services. The operation of any system will be accompanied by some problems, such as whether the scope and standards of local governments to purchase public legal services are clear? By what means do local governments purchase public legal services? How local governments choose the recipients of public legal services III and so on. In order for the system to develop better, what measures should be taken to solve the problems facing it is of vital importance.

Local government purchase public law service promoted the specific implementation of the law, this system for local government purchase of public law service system of the domestic and foreign scholars research only limited to the purchase of the subject on the analysis of the local government purchase public legal services whether this behavior is the administrative action or a civil action, so I choose to refine the research of local government purchase public legal services development prospect in our country, this system exists in the process of exploring a variety of problems to be solved and the corresponding solving measures, hoping to put forward useful Suggestions, enables the system to the real work for the government to relieve pressure, Better serve the public.


Read the full article here:   地方政府购买公共法律服务研究.pdf