
Research on the Legal System of Environmental Impact Assessment

Date: 2024-02-11    Source: 

Yan Chengyong, Law School

Abstract: Environmental impact assessment system in China carries all the development activities should be one kind of legal system in China, is an important aspect of environmental protection system, to ensure the promotion of China's economic development, ecological protection has played a very important role, can be said that the environmental impact assessment system in our country is strong and has made great at present, China's environmental impact assessment work has been the formation of a mature system, hardware implementation is very perfect. China's environmental impact assessment system in China has been in the economic society reflected in addition to the principle of prevention, in general this system in our country land has got great development, but in general, the development of system is not suitable for economic and social development, can't to play its due role. The purpose of this article is mainly to find out the environmental impact assessment system in China problems; comparative foreign developed countries environmental impact assessment system, summarizes their characteristics of legislation; according to the national conditions of China and the law enforcement environment, and puts forward related suggestions, which is more suitable to the China's economic development, the paper draws lessons from the advanced experience of abroad is mainly from the United States, Germany, the two typical developed countries.

      To further promote the development of environmental protection in our country, perfecting the legal system of environmental impact assessment has important theoretical significance, .Should say, the environmental impact assessment system in the development process will encounter a series of challenges and unfavorable factors, we should adopt a positive attitude, and make them suitable for its economic development, this and our country show level the fundamental policy is consistent.


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