Chinese Русский

Professor QIU Huanguang

Larry Bacow in front of a painting of a crain

Vice President

Professor QIU Huanguang

Professor Qiu Huanguang, PhD, was born in May 1976. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Committee and Vice President of Liaoning University.

Prof. Qiu Huanguang is in charge of science and technology, social sciences, university journals and continuing education. He is responsible for the administration of the Institute of Science and Technology, the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, university library, university hospital, the Editorial Departments of academic journals including Journal of Liaoning University, Japan Studies, Geohazard Mechanics, and Digital Economy and Sustainable Development. He is also in charge of Chinese Characteristic Socialism Research Center, Research Center of Party Regulations at Liaoning University, Office of Continuing Education, and School of Continuing Education. He coordinates the Faculty of History, Institute of Japanese Studies, School of Life Sciences, College of Chemistry, and the Key Laboratory for Psychological Testing and Behavioral Analysis.