
Under the Changing Background of the Principal Contradictions of our Society in the New Era New Mission of Ideological and Political Education

Date: 2024-01-11    Source: 

Xie Xiaojuan, School of Marxism

Liu Yang, School of Marxism

Abstract: The principal contradiction in Chinese society in the new era has translated into imbalance and inadequacy in the people's ever-growing needs for a better life ideological and political education should assume new social responsibilities and new historical missions according to this change. concrete speaking, ideological and political education in the new era should put the people-centered value concept throughout the whole process of education; Want to add strong "four self-confidence" education, undertake the mission of rallying the people; Ideological and political education in the new era should strengthen the primary stage of socialism education on the basic national conditions and educating the people to continue to carry forward the fine tradition of hard work.

Read the article here:        新时代我国社会主要矛盾变化背景下的思想政治教育新使命 (1).pdf