German agricultural ecological compensation policy under the framework of EU Common Agricultural Policy and its enlightenment

Date: 2024-01-08    Source: 

                                                        Zeng Zhe, College of  Foreign Studies

Abstract:The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union is a mutual assistance policy in the common policy of the European Union. Since its inception, the CAP has undergone several reforms, and in the latest round of adjustments, the orientation of environmental protection has become more obvious. While the green development mechanism in CAP is effectively implemented in Germany, the federal government compensates farmers and enterprises that develop eco-agriculture for the characteristics of high input and low output in the early stage of eco-agriculture development. Under the CAP framework, this paper investigated the agricultural ecological compensation in Germany and put forward some suggestions for improving the agricultural ecological compensation mechanism in our country: improving the laws, regulations and policies of the protection of agricultural ecological environment; A gradual transition from price support subsidies to direct payment subsidies; Increase the proportion of decoupling direct subsidies; We will refine the standards for ecological compensation and standardize the procedures for ecological compensation.


Read the article here:   欧盟共同农业政策框架下德国农业生态补偿政策及启示_曾哲.pdf