Study on the treatment of petroleum and dyeing wastewater with SPTL-CS series of composite inorganic polymer flocculants

Date: 2024-01-16    Source: 

                                                            Jiang Xiangshun, College of Chemistry

Abstract: SPTL-CS series of composite inorganic polymer flocculants were applied to the laboratory and pilot treatment of oil-bearing wastewater and printing and dyeing wastewater. The results show that for the treatment of petroleum wastewater, the degreasing rate of precipitation method is about 75%, the degreasing rate of flotation method is more than 99%, and the water quality after treatment reaches the reuse standard, and the decolorization rate of printing and dyeing wastewater is more than 98%, and CODCr is more than 75%, which basically meets the national discharge standard.


Read the article here: SPTL-CS系列复合无机...对石油和印染废水处理的研究.pdf