
Translation Report on “People without a Plan” Guided by Text Typology

Date: 2024-01-24    Source: 

                                                                                                       Wang Yuting

                                                                                             College of Foreign Studies

Abstract: In recent years, with the increasing social development and fast-pace economic progression, deteriorating ecological environment comes to our life accordingly. Therefore, protecting biological environment has become an increasingly concerned topic for people. As a consistent work with the social step, "People without a Plan" illustrates accurately research statistics about air, water, energy and so on and, based on the analysis of research statistics, draws a conclusion that human results in the climate change. In addition, the author provides an accessible method to solve the problem of climate change by altering people’s action, which brings great realistic meaning for people to take reasonable action to ameliorate environment. As a translation report, the report, based on the translation of "People without a Plan", explores how a general correlation between text-type and translation method of Katharina Reiss gives a meaningful indirection to informative text. Based on Katharina Reiss’ text typology theory, the text can be divided into informative text, expressive text, operative text, and translators use relative translating strategy to translate different types of text. In terms of the report, the report is the example of informative text, featuring in professional proper noun, frequent appearance of direct quotation, complex sentences, complicated structure, accuracy of passive voice, remarkable logic and so on. Hence, in the indirection of Katharina Reiss’ text typology theory, translator of this report combines appropriate translating strategy with relative translating techniques to ensure accurate word choice, proper idioms in context, and logical and coherent translation. Translator of this report considers first chapter and second chapter of report "People without a Plan" as research English object, identifying the guide of Text Typology Theory to informative text. This report is divided into five chapters. Chapter one identifies current situation of text typology in our country and abroad. Chapter two includes the background, introduction, objectives and significance of the project. Chapter three analyzes appliance of Text Typology into translation and makes translating strategy into full detail in chapter four. At last, the concluding chapter listed generally some key points of the report.


Read the full article here:       【气候变化】文本类型理论指导下《人无远虑,必有近忧》翻译实践报告.pdf