
The restriction and countermeasure of population problem on sustainable development of our country

Date: 2024-02-01    Source: 

Li Yan, School of Economics


 Abstract: The important connotation of sustainable development is that economic growth should not be at the cost of harming the environment and resource conditions of future generations. Its core is to emphasize the harmonious relationship among society, economy and environment. Due to the different levels of economic development and population reproduction modes of different countries the causes and sustainability of environmental problems. The emphasis on sustainable development is also different. The article emphasizes that ‚ population problem is still an important factor affecting sustainable development of our country. Therefore ‚ should focus on solving the problem to restrict our country's sustainable development from three aspects: total population, population composition and distribution, and population quality. 


Read the article here:       137人口问题对我国可持续发展的制约及其对策思考_李燕.pdf