
Same Voice, Different Discourse Forms: A Survey of the Origin of "Chinese Women's Literature History"

Date: 2024-02-02    Source: 

Abstract: The diversification of literary history concepts and narrative perspectives marks the establishment and development of critical discourse in literary history. The history of female literature, with its unique cultural standpoint and critical perspective, has entered the new subject field of literary history history, which further proves the change of historical concept of literary history and the possibility of multiple narration, and also proves the refinement and deepening of the discipline construction of literary history. It breaks the monopoly of the discourse power of the "male-centered" discourse, opens up the artificial historical cover, reveals the voice of women themselves, and more clearly shows that women and the literature and art created by them have risen to be part of the historical subject. The establishment of gender perspective in the study of literary history has experienced a historical process, that is, from male scholars writing the history of female literature to female scholars writing the history of female literature, from the history of "others" to the female literature history of feminist candlestick from the external female perspective to the internal gender cultural perspective. From the so-called "official history" narrated by the elite to the "women's oral history" from the folk standpoint; From the macroscopic construction of women's literature history to the development of regional women's literature history. Although these women's literary histories have different cultural positions, different narrative viewpoints and various text forms, they fully show the trend of ecological balance in the study of literary history.


Read the full article here:   同一个声音,不同的话语形态...“中国妇女文学史”源流考察_王春荣.pdf