
Research on Employment Security of Disabled People in Liaoning Province

Date: 2024-02-12    Source: 

Chen Yaping, School of Public Management

Abstract: The disabled people are in a social big family's part, they enjoy the dignity peace equally with the perfect person and so on right. In order to have the ability to work disabled people to provide the work opportunity, increases their social sympathy, the income, improves their quality of life, for its building good survival development environment, to promote the economic society stable healthy development to have the vital practical significance.

      In recent years, Liaoning Province disabled people employment security work in the party and government's care and vigorously under the support, in the community under the help and disabled people own unremitting efforts, Liaoning Province disabled person employment security has made the remarkable progress. But along with the economical fast development, hinders the disabled people survival and the development not harmonious factor revealed gradually that displayed the gap between rich and poor is enlarging, the society between the disabled people and the perfect person the phenomenon which discriminated to the disabled people still generally to have, the disabled person legitimate rights and interests infringement event gradually to sometimes occur and so on. Therefore, studies Liaoning Province disabled person's employment and the development condition, the formulation more is reasonable the feasible disabled person employment security system appears more urgent.

      The present paper take China statistical annual, the China Handicapped Federation website, Liaoning Province disabled person enterprise develops the statistical bulletin data as the basis, the quantitative analysis and the qualitative analysis unifies, analyzes the disabled person employment security the present situation and the existence question; Carries on the statistical analysis through excel and the SPSS software to the data, the search affects the disabled person employment security the factor, and proposed correspondingly to the policy suggestion. The present paper is composed of five parts:

      Introduction: Is clear about the selected topic the background and the significance, carries on the summary to the domestic and foreign research literature, the explanation this article research technique and the innovation spot.

      The first chapter: Introduces the disabled person employment security the related concept and the theory, for disabled person employment security question research analysis and question solution construction certain rationale.

The second chapter: Carries on the multi-analysis to Liaoning Province disabled person employment security's present situation, definitely the recent years Liaoning Province disabled person employment security aspect has obtained remarkable result, also has pointed out the existence question.

The third chapter: To affects Liaoning Province disabled person employment security the factor to carry on the analysis, discovered that the implication 40-year disability gross population will carry on the forecast in the future in the disabled person employment security question's in-depth reason and to Liaoning Province.

The fourth chapter: Profits from the OECD member nation disabled person employment security policy and the experience, through the understanding, analyzes the Western developed country the disabled person employment security policy, in view of our country realistic situation, uses for reference moderately, by consummates Liaoning Province disabled person employment security system.

The fifth chapter: To the present situation and in the influencing factor analysis's foundation, puts forward the policy proposal.


Read the full article here:   辽宁省残疾人就业保障研究.pdf